When you want to travel internationally, in most cases, it will be a long-haul flight. It’s important to know that your comfort on a flight begins with how you pack your carry-on luggage. Here is our list of useful items to include in your hand carry for a relaxing flight. Stay comfortable on long-haul flights with these helpful tips.
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If you are waiting more than four hours for a connecting flight, make your transit more comfortable by packing a small bag with necessary toiletries like a toothbrush, small tube of toothpaste, face wipes or face wash, and comb to refresh easily. For longer transit, you may want to consider a travel-size bottle of soap, shampoo, moisturizer, deodorant, and perfume – all stored in containers under 100ml. And, don’t forget a towel.
Resealable Plastic Bags

You need a quart-size baggie for your liquids when you’re going through airport security, right? So just put another one or two in your carry-on. They’re useful for organizing, as well as when you have to pack anything damp, like a bathing suit that didn’t quite dry all the way while hanging on the hotel shower curtain rod overnight.
Medical Supplies
Ensure you pack aspirin, antihistamines, antacids, motion-sickness pill, eye drops and lip balm in your hand carry for easy access to necessary medication. Remember, you can only hand carry liquids under 100ml, and these need to be presented in clear, re-sealable plastic bags, in line with security requirements.
Sanitizing Wipes
These are one of my holy grail items, and I take disinfecting wipes everywhere. Wipe down dirty tables, sanitize cuts or scrapes, or just clean sticky hands. Buy them in bulk and keep a few packets in your luggage as back up.
Change of Attire
Even the best-laid plans can go awry, so, packing a change of clothes to prepare for any unforeseen setback or wardrobe crisis (for example, spilling a glass of juice on your blouse or t-shirt!) is highly recommended.
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Warm Clothes
Often, the cabin can feel like an icebox. Be sure to pack a warm jacket or fuzzy shawl. Smart combinations, like a warm hoodie with a neck pillow attached to the collar, will keep you warm while offering support for a relaxing rest. And, if it’s inflatable, it will be a great carry on.
Socks and Sandals
To walk around the cabin with ease, replace your shoes with a pair of sandals and cover your feet with socks, keeping your feet warm, dry and clean throughout your flight.

Even if you are well fed on the flight, you never know if your flight will be delayed. You should bring food that will keep you fueled, as well as a few treats to get you through the flight. Some of my favorite travel-friendly foods include:
– Sliced vegetables
– Fresh or dry fruits
– Nuts
– Teabags
Bottled Water
Drinking water is so important, and when flying, even more so! Whether you bring your bottle to refill or buy a bottle before boarding, make sure you stay hydrated. It’s not just good for your skin, but it will help you fight jet lag.
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