Top 10 Best Ways To Travel The World For Free ( And Even Get Paid )

Travel The World For Free

We believe that traveling around the world shouldn’t be hard: it’s something everyone should be able to do. But do you fear spending all of your money on a trip? It is not a problem anymore! There are some ways to travel the world without money (and even get paid while traveling). Have you ever heard about such opportunities? Here are our top 10 most efficient methods to travel the world for free.

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Help Exchange

Help Exchange

Help Exchange job vacancies are volunteer positions for backpackers and travelers in exchange for food and accommodation. It is a great chance to stay with local people and gain practical experience. Typically, the helper works an average of 3-4 hours daily.

United Nations Volunteers

Best Ways To Travel The World For Free

UNV is active in around 130 countries every year. With Field Presences in over 80 countries, UNV is represented worldwide. Becoming a UN volunteer, you can travel the world for free and help humanity.

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Youth in Action

Travel The World For Free

Youth In Action a place where youth share their stories, practice leadership and create change in their communities. You need to apply for the training you want, and …BINGO! You will be given free food and accommodation.


Travel The World For Free

SE7EN supports people working together for social justice and environmental sustainability by providing an online meeting space where volunteers and host projects can find and contact one another. It means that you will be able to find excellent vacancies worldwide. You can find anything you like! What about exploring lemon sharks in the Bahamas?

Turtle Island Teams

Turtle Island is a leading advocate for the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. Their work is based on science, fueled by people who care, and effective at catalyzing long-lasting positive change that protects green sea turtles, whale sharks, and coho salmon. You can try to save the sea turtles and travel simultaneously.

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Conservation Volunteers

Travel The World For Free

Conservation Volunteers is another great organization that allows you to help save our planet and travel for free at the same time.  This organization connects people with nature through conservation volunteering opportunities.

Trip Leader for HF Holidays

You should try HF Holidays if you want to go on a trip but don’t have enough time for it. Every year many people choose to travel with HF Holidays to destinations all over the world, making them the largest walking and outdoor leisure holiday specialists offering a fantastic range of Walking and Leisure Activities holidays. Just don’t forget that hiking requires some degree of endurance.


WWOOF is a perfect organization for lovers of organic products and a healthy lifestyle. WWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences. As a volunteer, you will live alongside your host, helping with daily tasks and experiencing life as a farmer.

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By Couchsurfing, you can find offers of free housing from ordinary people living in different countries. You may live with locals and make new friends. I think it will be a great experience.

Find a Crew, Vagabond Sailing

Find a Crew is the world’s largest international online marine crew and boat network. It matches and connects boat owners & representatives directly online with a crew from anywhere to anywhere. Find a Crew is not a crew agent; everyone can decide with whom they wish to contact any further. There are no contracts, commissions, or fees to register – it’s free for everyone.

There is one more thing! You can also consider exploring additional job opportunities that involve traveling, which can provide you with a unique and enriching experience.

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